I now have a page on Etsy

I now have a page on Etsy

Where I sell signed copies of my books, art prints, t-shirts, and the like!Check it out! Dan's Etsy Page!

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Great new Interview!

Great new Interview!

I'm the featured June author on This is Writing! Check out my interview! https://thisiswriting.com/interview-dan-henk-the-end-of-the-world

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Best  review yet

Best review yet

of my new book yet by the UK site DLS Reviews! http://www.dlsreviews.com/the-end-of-the-world.php?fbclid=IwAR2lYd7IFlChxC9DWIH4yps69evWK5xCPh4-Mku4uWX647NWf_G3UF5IJY8

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I just finished the book Old Man’s War

I just finished the book Old Man’s War

by John Scalzi, and I was really surprised at how good it was. It was the first book in a while that broke the mold and exceeded my expectations. Just a well crafted, clever story, that despite being 12...

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I finished Ender’s Game

I finished Ender’s Game

  I've always heard how great this novel was, and a customer finally gave me a copy. Despite the pretty mediocre movie interpretation I had seen, I tried to approach it with an open mind. That said, the novel turned out...

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Wow, that took me forever…

I just finished "Fingerprints of the Gods, and I have mixed feelings about it. It's long and tedious to read, and took me way longer than a 505 page book should. I read every night before bed, and two...

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Permuted Press has consistently been great to me.

I know, there is a lot of backtalk on all publishers, but I have nothing bad to say about Permuted Press. They are an indie publisher, so their distribution and advertising budget might not be anywhere near that of...

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