New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

My 3 day, free promotion of my anthology did so well that I'm kicking off my crowdfunding campaign with a free promotional copy of my massively reworked and edited, debut novel. It's the start of my cosmic horror mythos,...

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Cosmic Horror comes Alive!

Cosmic Horror comes Alive!

All the illustrations I've completed so far for my epic cosmic horror series! Starting with my (now heavily revised and expanded ) first novel The Black Seas of Infinity, continuing in my also recently revised and expanded collection of vaguely...

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Great review!

Great review!

Amazing review of my heavily revised and reworked debut novel by Chris Hall of DLS reviews! I get the feeling he really connected with what I was going for in this book, and I greatly appreciate the deep dive it...

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I think it's kind of amusing that my short story compilation "Down Highways in the Dark...By Demons Driven" had a 4-star rating where the reader deducted one star for the stories being too terrifying. Here is a snippet of...

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My book won the Barnes & Noble book fair!

My book won the Barnes & Noble book fair!

My Novel, The Black Seas of Infinity just won the Barnes & Noble-sponsored e-book fair by a landslide! 567 votes! This was first released by Anarchy Press in 2011, did a 9-year stint with Permuted Press, and when I...

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The End of the World Book Fair

The End of the World Book Fair

My book The Black Seas of Infinity is winning the horror book fair The End of the World! Anyone who wants to throw in a vote that hasn't already, give me some support!

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Special features hardcover release!

Special features hardcover release!

The hardcover version of my debut novel is out and it features 6 new drawings and a bit of backstory on how this tale evolved, as well as a new painting for the back cover! Thanks Lisa Lee Tone...

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Video trailer for the re-release of my book!

Video trailer for the re-release of my book!

Video trailer for my newly edited and re-released first novel! Video trailer for my newly edited and re-released first novel! Available in Kindle, paperback, and hardcover

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Re-release and massive update of my first novel!

Re-release and massive update of my first novel!

I'm really excited to announce the re=release of my first published novel! With the help of Jeff Strand, I got my rights back, spent 60 hours editing, reformatting, and adding illustrations to the 13-year-old work, I really happy with the result....

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The latest Skull Session!

The latest Skull Session!

The 9th episode of my Skull Sessions podcast with author Mark McLaughlin, where we take a deep dive into the life and times of HP Lovecraft, is up on YouTube

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