I won my third book fair!

I won my third book fair!

The Never Dead won yet another book fair award! This is the third 1st place award it's won! You know, you might want to get your copy now! https://shorturl.at/fhkl6

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we won again!

we won again!

The Never Dead won another book fair award! 3rd place in the Fall Horror Book Fair. This is the 3rd book fair award it's won, including first place in the Barnes & Noble book fair! If you haven't yet,...

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Audiobook now available!

Audiobook now available!

My new anthology The Never Dead is now available in Kindle, paperback, hardcover, and as of last night audio! Thanks, Cassandra Arnold for doing such a great job narrating it! https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CCQGQTHW?qid=1690297359&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=PMNYWR9KTCPERTXKTV6S&pageLoadId=YeE7VVWfIDDPr3jG&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c

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Finally! After months of illustrating, writing, editing, painting, formatting, and working like a crazy person, my new anthology is out and now available on Amazon Kindle! The paperback should be available any minute now, it's going through a final...

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Anthology Illustrations!

Anthology Illustrations!

All but one of the completed images for the short stories in my upcoming anthology The Never Dead. It features a slew of talented authors and will hopefully be available in all formats by late May!

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