Books and more books!

Books and more books!

Some of the book and magazine covers I've done over the years

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Great new Article

Great new Article

on my latest book! Great spread on my latest book!

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Just finished this Illustration

Just finished this Illustration

For the cover of the new Splatterpunk magazine.It details one of the stories there in where a guy snaps, and strangles his boss with a necktie

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Awesome new stand up Banner

Awesome new stand up Banner

By the talented Al Liptak. He designed my previous free-standing convention banner, but with a new novel out, I decided to update.

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The initial illustration

The initial illustration

I drew for my first book, The Black Seas of Infinity.The image on the left was the initial version and illustrates one of the early scenes in the work.When the book was re-issued by Permuted Press, this was one...

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Some of the images I’ve done over the years for my Muay Thai Gyms

Some of the images I’ve done over the years for my Muay Thai Gyms

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The first design I ever illustrated

The first design I ever illustrated

for a line of tattoo t-shirts. Unfortunately, I was unaware this was similar to an Avenged Sevenfold design, but of course way too many people mentioned it.

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Check out this podcast I appeared on promoting my new book!

Check out this podcast I appeared on promoting my new book!

Great Brooklyn based podcast interviewed me!

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Best  review yet

Best review yet

of my new book yet by the UK site DLS Reviews!

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Video trailer for my new book is out! Here’s the link

Video trailer for my new book is out! Here’s the link

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