Episode 59 of my podcast with British author and fellow comic fan DE McClusky

Episode 59 of my podcast with British author and fellow comic fan DE McClusky

The 59th episode of my Skull Session podcast features a great conversation with British author, graphic novel writer, and fellow comic enthusiast DE McCluskey! https://youtu.be/i8UxMaKtTqY?si=-Zt9zDcMm-rn_jRl

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Episode 18 of my podcast!

Episode 18 of my podcast!

Episode 18 of my podcast just dropped. This would be the third and last session of my interview with comic legend Steve Bissette! https://youtu.be/_f9J0Dtf1K8

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Steve Bissette par deux

Steve Bissette par deux

The second portion of my interview with comic’s legend Steve Bissette just dropped! Check it out at: https://youtu.be/4rMTm2ESmLw

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Steve Bissette gets inteviewed!

Steve Bissette gets inteviewed!

Live today is my interview with comic book legend and one of my inspirations Steve Bissette! https://youtu.be/3Wpth6wT9dg

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Steve Bissette!

Steve Bissette!

I interviewed my huge artistic inspiration and all-around very knowledgeable guy, Steve Bissette,Video today for my Skull Sessions podcast! YouTube.com/user/Danhenk

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Fort Bragg

Fort Bragg

Finished up this illustration for the new issue of Splatterpunk. The magazine will feature one of my short stories, and the publisher asked me to illustrate a scene from it for the cover

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