Return of the Living Dead sleeve I just finished!

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Cover Illustration for Skin Deep’s new Horror Magazine

Pencils and inks by me, color by Blair Smith.

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Illustration I just finished for the new issue of Splatterpunk

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Me & Rollo

Just finished the new "Me & Rollo" cartoon for Tattoo Artist Magazine. Now it's off to my friend Ken Haeser for coloring!

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Finally got good, healed pictures of this Giger sleeve!

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Awesome new interview I have in Vile Reviews!

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New Monster Mania Flyer!

Monster Manis flyer for the new convention! A three way collaboration between Bili Vegas, who sketched it in photoshop, Buz Hasson, who refined and added horror to it, and finally me. I redrew it a little, and inked it....

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They’re Back, And They’re Not Happy!

Return of the Living Dead leg half sleeve I just got good pictures of at my guest spot in Massachusetts. This is fully healed.

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