New podcast with Charles Howard about Cosmic Horror

New podcast with Charles Howard about Cosmic Horror

Stephen King! Comic books! HP Lovecraft! Animator Charles Howard and I talk about his love for Cosmic Horror, how to be inspired by the Cthulhu mythos without actually ripping off the work of HP Lovecraft, and his day job as...

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New podcast with Brandon Rhiness

New podcast with Brandon Rhiness

Horror Films! Slasher novels! Weird and fantastical indie comics! Brandon Rhiness has put out a ton of work. Hailing from up from the frozen north like fellow horror auteur David Cronenberg, something about those cold climes and frozen wastelands...

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Medical Horror in my latest Podcast!

Medical Horror in my latest Podcast!

Episode 111! Who would have guessed? In the latest Sull Session, I talk with Viggy Parr Hampton about alligators! Disturbed pre-med students! Psychological terror! All with a dose of gallows humor, and revenge fantasy thrown in! She runs her own...

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New Podcast with JG Faherty

New Podcast with JG Faherty

JG Faherty is the guest in this latest edition of my podcast. Episode 110 and over two years running! How Crazy is that! But back JG. Enjoyable interview, some people just clammed up (or I even had one guy flip out...

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New Skull Session with Jonathan Butcher

New Skull Session with Jonathan Butcher

Reanimated corpses, necrophilia, and cosmic horror are just some of the things Jonathan and I talk about in my podcast's latest episode!

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New Skull Session with Dan Gindlesperger

New Skull Session with Dan Gindlesperger

In this latest episode of my Skull Session podcast, Dan Gindlesperger and I discuss his books, Clive Barker, and Stephen King, and what makes a good horror story. Skull Session Podcast

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New episode of my Skull Session Podcast!

New episode of my Skull Session Podcast!

In this historic (for me at least) 101st episode, Aaron and I discussed his new Kickstarter campaign for the latest issue of his dystopian comic, what's wrong with the major streaming services, and why people should support indie projects....

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Latest Podcast!

Latest Podcast!

Debuting a day early because I'm leaving tomorrow for the Toronto Convention, here is my latest episode of the podcast with the talented Jim Krueger. (Which he tells me is spelled like Freddy Krueger!) He's worked for Marvel Comics,...

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Skull Session 96

Skull Session 96

Canadian author Joseph and I talk about his new zombie book, and what makes a tired genre lively again. His connection was bad and I tried to weed out the multiple errors! You know, it seems like it's always...

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The latest podcast with graphic novel writer and artist Derald is up!

The latest podcast with graphic novel writer and artist Derald is up!

Comic artist and writer Gerald Von Stoddard talks with me about the comic industry, and his new graphic novel Immortal Coil. The illustrations look great (and I'm pretty critical), the story sounds amazing, and Gerald was a lot of...

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