The 2016 Horror Calendar Fiasco

The 2016 Horror Calendar Fiasco

Painful Pleasures produced the one the year before, but Tattoo Media Ink stepped in, I had a sit down chat with Carlo, and he agreed to release the 2016 Horror Calendar as a pull out insert in the...

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Special limited time deal on the new Calendar!

Marc from Painful Pleasures put out the 2015 Horror Calendar. He is putting out the 2016 as well. He has a new years special going on right now where the calendar is only $4.49! Retail price is $12.99! It...

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The latest and greatest!

Calendar Holdings, the biggest calendar company, they supply everyone, malls, stores, you name it, just picked up my 2015 calendar! World Domination to come!

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2015 Horror Calendar is Here!

Featuring the art of Chet Zar, Jeff Zornow, Dan Henk, Tom Taylor, Nick Baxter, Paul Acker, Buz Hasson, Stefano Alcantra, Jon Zig, Shlak, Craig Gardyan, Tommy Lee Wendtner, and Ron Russo!  

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