I am still attempting to generate buzz for my Indiegogo campaign

I am still attempting to generate buzz for my Indiegogo campaign

I am still attempting to generate buzz for my Indiegogo campaign. I still have four days left on my free Kindle download of my most popular book, so people can check out what they are supporting! Here are all the illustrations...

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New crowdfunding campaign

New crowdfunding campaign

I am running a new crowdfunding campaign to help market my whole cosmic horror series. You can check that out here. Lots of goodies are available! Hats, shirts, art prints, signed books, and even original art! Here are all the...

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Creator Perspective of the Comic Book Biz

Creator Perspective of the Comic Book Biz

My brief foray into the mainstream comic book biz helped give me a creator perspective of the comic book biz and reassured me that I made the right move by leaving mainstream comic companies and going straight into the...

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Diving into the Dark World of Splatterpunk Illustrations

Diving into the Dark World of Splatterpunk Illustrations

I finished the cover for the newly resurrected Splatterpunk Zine. This will be issue 14, and the image comes from the Adam Millard story "Get Off Our Lawn". One central character is a naked killer wearing a Prince Charles mask....

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Full cover art for the indie comic Amor Patris

Full cover art for the indie comic Amor Patris

Alternative cover and website design logo for Aaron Wroblewski 's comic . A Kickstarter for the project is launching soon https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/a-aron/amor-patris-1-2?ref=discovery&term=amor%20patris&total_hits=1&category_id=250

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Email Campaign!

Email Campaign!

Next week is the debut of the Kickstarter campaign I'm holding to raise funds to promote my book. I've received some great reviews and even interest from a few streaming companies and I want to strike while the iron...

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The latest podcast with graphic novel writer and artist Derald is up!

The latest podcast with graphic novel writer and artist Derald is up!

Comic artist and writer Gerald Von Stoddard talks with me about the comic industry, and his new graphic novel Immortal Coil. The illustrations look great (and I'm pretty critical), the story sounds amazing, and Gerald was a lot of...

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Episode 94 with the talented Mark Richards

Episode 94 with the talented Mark Richards

Great interview with Mark Richards where we discuss illustration, where it all leads, and what he has going on. Always looking for artists and authors to be on this show-hit me up if you think it'll be a good conversation!...

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Some of these old magazine and comic book covers would make great tattoos. Anyone who would like to get one (or if you show me another one that looks awesome), I'll hook up! I'll be at conventions or guest spots...

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Here's the full logo I did for the Inksanity convention in Long Island, New York this Halloween weekend!

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