New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

My 3 day, free promotion of my anthology did so well that I'm kicking off my crowdfunding campaign with a free promotional copy of my massively reworked and edited, debut novel. It's the start of my cosmic horror mythos,...

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The first of my cosmic horror novels

The first of my cosmic horror novels

For the first of my cosmic horror novels, I originally intended to include over 30 drawings, but I ultimately opted for far fewer since the full splash pages took considerable time to illustrate. I increasingly perceived the work as...

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New Indiegogo Campaign

New Indiegogo Campaign

To infect the masses with my Cosmic Horror series, I've launched a new Indiegogo campaign. You can view it here And see more of my work here under the "Books" category, Rewards at different tier levels of support are all available....

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Unique Lovecraft illustrations for Comics

Unique Lovecraft illustrations for Comics

Continuing with how much I love to illustrate stuff from the Lovecraft Mythos, here are brush and India ink illustrations I did for Dynamite Comics, Black Hope Curse, Skin & Ink magazine, and my publisher logo. All of my heavily...

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New podcast with Charles Howard about Cosmic Horror

New podcast with Charles Howard about Cosmic Horror

Stephen King! Comic books! HP Lovecraft! Animator Charles Howard and I talk about his love for Cosmic Horror, how to be inspired by the Cthulhu mythos without actually ripping off the work of HP Lovecraft, and his day job as...

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Email Campaign!

Email Campaign!

Next week is the debut of the Kickstarter campaign I'm holding to raise funds to promote my book. I've received some great reviews and even interest from a few streaming companies and I want to strike while the iron...

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Re-release and massive update of my first novel!

Re-release and massive update of my first novel!

I'm really excited to announce the re=release of my first published novel! With the help of Jeff Strand, I got my rights back, spent 60 hours editing, reformatting, and adding illustrations to the 13-year-old work, I really happy with the result....

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Episode 58 of my podcast. Great discusiion with author Ryan C Thomas.

Episode 58 of my podcast. Great discusiion with author Ryan C Thomas.

Awesome new to me author (I made that decision after reading his short story contribution to my new anthology) Ryan C. Thomas talks about his latest books, our mutual love for the work of H.P. Lovecraft, and how he...

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The latest Skull Session!

The latest Skull Session!

The 9th episode of my Skull Sessions podcast with author Mark McLaughlin, where we take a deep dive into the life and times of HP Lovecraft, is up on YouTube

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