Free book download!

Free book download!

Free book download! In an attempt to infect the masses with my Cosmic Horror , I’m running an Indie Gogo campaign to raise funds for marketing, like book trailers, free reviewer copies, and attendance at out of state (and...

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Clash over clothing!

Amber & Zander fighting over my t-shirt and hat, just a few of the perks available for my Indiegogo campaign! Get in on the madness here! All of the latest updates are available on my website

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The Hardcover Edition!

The Hardcover Edition!

Fully revised, re-edited, and now in an oversized edition that showcases all the artwork, Down Highways in the Demons Driven is now available on Amazon

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The latest book fair!

The latest book fair!

Asking for support again! It costs you nothing, but would really help me get my books out! I'm featured in another fair (I've won 3 and placed 3rd in a fourth). If you get a chance, just log on...

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I just won the latest book fair for one  of my novels!

I just won the latest book fair for one of my novels!

I just won the latest EbookFair for my novel "Down Highways in the Dark...By Demons Driven"!

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