Maybe it’s not all a waste…

Maybe it’s not all a waste…

When I first moved to NYC in 1998 (on the advice of my college art teacher), I planned on being a comic artist I interviewed with DC and Marvel, both were going bankrupt at the time and only wanted...

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Steve Bissette par deux

Steve Bissette par deux

The second portion of my interview with comic’s legend Steve Bissette just dropped! Check it out at:

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The Downfall of Captain America

The Downfall of Captain America

My last submission to Marvel comics, this was in about 1996 when I submitted to a round of comic companies (something i had been doing for years). Kitchen Sink liked my work and wanted to publish me but...

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The Joker

The Joker

I'm going to go out on a limb here with an unpopular opinion. I didn't think The Joker was that good.As a movie about mental illness? Sure, it works. I mean, it's no "One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s...

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