Some of these old magazine and comic book covers would make great tattoos. Anyone who would like to get one (or if you show me another one that looks awesome), I'll hook up! I'll be at conventions or guest spots...

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Episode 59 of my podcast with British author and fellow comic fan DE McClusky

Episode 59 of my podcast with British author and fellow comic fan DE McClusky

The 59th episode of my Skull Session podcast features a great conversation with British author, graphic novel writer, and fellow comic enthusiast DE McCluskey!

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Steve Bissette gets inteviewed!

Steve Bissette gets inteviewed!

Live today is my interview with comic book legend and one of my inspirations Steve Bissette!

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My You tube channel is in full swing

My You tube channel is in full swing

I'm adding any videos that are relevant, and I figured that, topping that list, would be this interview focusing on my new novel that I did for the podcast "Pete's Basement"

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Awesome new review

Awesome new review

By DLS Reviews! Awesome review by Chris Hall at DLS reviews!Dan Henk is one of those painfully talented guys who just seems to be impressively good at everything he tries his hand at. He’s a professional tattooist who produces...

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