The End of the World Book Fair

The End of the World Book Fair

My book The Black Seas of Infinity is winning the horror book fair The End of the World! Anyone who wants to throw in a vote that hasn't already, give me some support!

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Podcast 53!

Podcast 53!

The latest episode of the Skull Sessions podcast, episode 53 if you're counting! With Guest Mark Patton!

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second time in less than two weeks!

second time in less than two weeks!

For the second time in less than two weeks, I won! This was at a sci-fi book fair and it was for my debut novel, The Black Seas of Infinity!"

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The latest session of my podcast with ex radio and BBC presenter Andrea Faye Christians

The latest session of my podcast with ex radio and BBC presenter Andrea Faye Christians

Episode 38 of the Skull Sessions podcast features a former BBC employee and TV newscaster Andrea Faye Christians who now lives in Malta and writes novels! Check out her incredible journey

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The latest Skull Session!

The latest Skull Session!

The 9th episode of my Skull Sessions podcast with author Mark McLaughlin, where we take a deep dive into the life and times of HP Lovecraft, is up on YouTube

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