Free book download!

Free book download!

Free book download! In an attempt to infect the masses with my Cosmic Horror , I’m running an Indie Gogo campaign to raise funds for marketing, like book trailers, free reviewer copies, and attendance at out of state (and...

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Limited time offer!

Limited time offer!

For a week I'm offering to send free digital copies of one or more of my books. There are no restrictions, I just want the reader to post a fair review for me on Amazon., or shoot me an...

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Latest podcast!

Latest podcast!

Me and Lindsey discuss her new book, and how everyone believes in something regardless of what it is or how it's expressed!

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Strange book review…

Strange book review…

I don't know if this really qualifies as a negative review or a backhanded compliment? "I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars for its great narrative and a deduction of 2 stars for its disturbing drawings."

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Audiobook is now available!

Audiobook is now available!

The audiobook for my heavily edited and re-released (after 13 years) first novel is out! Get it on Amazon at

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The Hardcover Edition!

The Hardcover Edition!

Fully revised, re-edited, and now in an oversized edition that showcases all the artwork, Down Highways in the Demons Driven is now available on Amazon

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Re-Release and accompanying book fair!

Re-Release and accompanying book fair!

The second book I retained the rights to was my collection of short stories "Down Highs In The Dark...By Demons Driven". I heavily edited, greatly expanded and re-released it. I debuted the new edition in a book fair. Give it...

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I won my third book fair!

I won my third book fair!

The Never Dead won yet another book fair award! This is the third 1st place award it's won! You know, you might want to get your copy now!

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New Podcast is out!

New Podcast is out!

The episode of the "How To Write a Book Podcast" is up now! Check it out at

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My book won the Barnes & Noble book fair!

My book won the Barnes & Noble book fair!

My Novel, The Black Seas of Infinity just won the Barnes & Noble-sponsored e-book fair by a landslide! 567 votes! This was first released by Anarchy Press in 2011, did a 9-year stint with Permuted Press, and when I...

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