Still more! http://tweetphoto….

Still more!

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The shop is going to do an art…

The shop is going to do an art show, with live bands and barbeque, on my favorite holiday, Halloween. Open to everyone who puts in good work

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The World Horror Convention is…

The World Horror Convention is held this coming April in Austin Texas, and I feel lucky to have a booth! Last year it was in England

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Check out – Dan Henk @ Barrett…

Check out - Dan Henk @ Barrett All Tattoo Sep 28 @ 12:00PM

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Still more!…

Still more!

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By Demons Driven. Both the cover of my new novel, and my entry for the Monica Memorial Show.

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Truly sad day. Frank Frazetta,…

Truly sad day. Frank Frazetta, one of the all time greats, just passed!

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So, the primary edit of my nov…

So, the primary edit of my novel is done. A little final polishing up, and I'll send it out. By Demons Driven, out soon!

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