Book Cover Proposal

Book Cover Proposal

Al Liptik did an amazing job designing a few different covers for my new book based off my painting "The End Of The World".  This is the one we decided to go with, and he'll tighten it up before...

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I got a new lens and finally took a flash free photo of my cover painting

I got a new lens and finally took a flash free photo of my cover painting

This is for "The End Of The World". I'm shopping it around to agents right now and trying to secure a bigger publisher.

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Great review of my chapbook

Great review of my chapbook

by Ashely, this nice lady I met at the Austin Convention She loved the story I gave her, and invited me to join an author's group that she's apart of!

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My Shirt For Black Hope Curse is out!

My Shirt For Black Hope Curse is out!

Go buy it at

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I know I’m being a picky artist

I know I’m being a picky artist

I know I'm being a picky artist, but sometimes you have to really work a piece before you get optimal results. This is the latest update on this first illustration I did for my new novel "The End Of...

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Almost done with this 3rd drawing for my new book The End Of The World

Almost done with this 3rd drawing for my new book The End Of The World

This illustrates the part where one of the old oligarchy, after selling out the human race, is kept alive with alien technology.

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Contributor copy just arrived!

Contributor copy just arrived!

I painted the cover for this book by Splatterpunk Press! It's a horror anthology and all proceeds go to cancer research, So go buy a copy on Amazon you cheap fucks!

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Two older illustrations

Two older illustrations

These accompanied the first print of my premiere novel "The Black Seas of Infinity". I took them out when it was re-issued by Permuted Press, as I didn't see them as strong as the other 9.

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