Interviewed the talented Vincent Castiglia today

Interviewed the talented Vincent Castiglia today

for Skin Art Magazine. He paints in his own blood, has had shows at HR Giger's home in Zurich, Switzerland, Slayer used his art for their farewell tour, him and Giger collaborated on album art for Triptykon, he...

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Great Interview with me

Great Interview with me

At the Rogue Gallery!

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Logo for the band More Complete Psychosis

Logo for the band More Complete Psychosis

Way back in 1997, I did this illustration for the ep, flyers, and stickers by the band More Complete Psychosis. I also got in a fight with and knocked out a member of an opening band that disrespected...

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The 2016 Horror Calendar Fiasco

The 2016 Horror Calendar Fiasco

Painful Pleasures produced the one the year before, but Tattoo Media Ink stepped in, I had a sit down chat with Carlo, and he agreed to release the 2016 Horror Calendar as a pull out insert in the...

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Almost done

Almost done

With this Frazetta based leg sleeve on Robert. Definitely one of my favorite pieces.

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I now have a new short story available!

I now have a new short story available!

"Watching The World Burn."It's a $.99 download on Amazon!click here

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Just finished the sci-fi classic Ringworld, and I was seriously underwhelmed.Let me start out by removing a few caveats. I've read three of Larry Niven's collaborations with Jerry Pournelle.A Mote In God's Eye, Footfall, and the absolutely magnificent...

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Amazon has my new book

Amazon has my new book

As a free audio download for a limited amount of time! Check it out now here:free audio download

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