The New Splatterpunk is almost out

The New Splatterpunk is almost out

With a cover illustration, as usual, by yours truly!

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A Subserviant Breed

A Subserviant Breed

Finished inking the cover for the new Splatterpunk Zine. The image is from the featured story "A Subserviant Breed" by Tom Over

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The Real Story about Robert De Niro New video, professionally edited by Robert Lisse, focusing on our very own Ronda Xanthos and her experience working on Cape Fear with Robert De Niro!

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The new Splatterpunk!

The new Splatterpunk!

Just finished penciling the cover for the latest issue of Splatterpunk zine!

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Big shout out to Eternal Ink

Big shout out to Eternal Ink

They really came through, supplying all of us with needles, tubes, inks, machines, power sources, you name it. Can't do enough to express our gratitude!

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Burning in Hell!

Burning in Hell!

A massive fire, started by the negligence of the pizza pallor next door, wiped out our entire studio! 2/3 of my art was destroyed! We've started a go fund me account to try and rebuild, the place next door is...

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“It will take a bit of effort…a bit of sweat and perhaps…a bit of blood.”

“It will take a bit of effort…a bit of sweat and perhaps…a bit of blood.”

Noferatu leg half sleeve I finished up about 3 years ago. I finally got some healed pictures just yesterday.

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Aaron Moonan

Aaron Moonan

The interview I did with up and coming talent, and guest artist at our shop, Aaron!

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