Maximum Rock and Roll

Maximum Rock and Roll

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My talk with Rachel Rossen of Indecision and Most Precious Blood

My talk with Rachel Rossen of Indecision and Most Precious Blood

Rachel Rosen, second guitarist and sometimes bass player of the legendary band Indecision and its follow-up Most Precious Blood is my guest for the 46th episode of my podcast!

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Podcast 13!

Skull Session 13 features a conversation with Writer, Musician, and Filmmaker Paul Shrimpton.

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I redid this book cover I originally illustrated for the collaborative novel by Jack Bantry and Robert Essig. The original is on the left for reference

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Indecision t-shirt art!

Indecision t-shirt art!

I did this cartoon for the t-shirt sold by the band Indecision on the tour for their album "Release the Cure". It's based on a real action by our government. They went into a minority neighborhood (in California I...

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Best  review yet

Best review yet

of my new book yet by the UK site DLS Reviews!

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I did the cover

I did the cover

and interior illustrations for Maximum Rock and Roll #170 way back in 1997. They are still around and agreed to review my new book! Proof that it might take awhile, but good karma always pays off!

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