Graham Hancock! Hp Lovecraft!

Graham Hancock! Hp Lovecraft!

Bound together with a heavy dose of Graham Hancock, mixed in with government corruption, a little bit of Ancient Aliens, a splash of HP Lovecraft, and a dose of surreal violence, I'm using Kickstarter to help assuage the costs...

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Comic Horror

Comic Horror

With a heavy dose of H.P. Lovecraft, a little bit of Graham Hancock, and some of the in-person fresh impact of someone like Chuck Palahniuk, I'm trying to bring my heavily illustrated cosmic horror mythos to life! Three books...

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Cosmic Horror! Lovecraft! Kickstarter in progress!

Cosmic Horror! Lovecraft! Kickstarter in progress!

Apocalypse1 Dystopian horror! Government Conspiracies! Creatures from another world! Please help me get this out to a wider audience so we all can be equally depressed at the coming doom! My Kickstarter campaign to acquire funds to market this is ongoing,...

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My Kickstarter campaign

My Kickstarter campaign

The Kickstarter Campaign for my heavily illustrated cosmic horror novel started this week. Violence, Dystopian nightmares, warring, warring packs of scared locals, and the return of creatures from another world! Show your support for this indie project, Even a $1 pledge...

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Day 2 of my Kickstarter

Day 2 of my Kickstarter

Going all the way! I'm pushing hard to market my new book, even including original oil paintings as reward tiers on my Kickstarter Campaign.. This image was illustrated for the 2010 Pinup book, Oil on Canvas, 11" by 17"! Check...

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My new Kickstarter campain just launched!

My new Kickstarter campain just launched!

Government conspiracies! Chaos! Secrets buried in ancient ruins! A dystopian cosmic horror mythos this indi project come to life! Here is the link to my Kickstarter

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New Comic Book Cover

New Comic Book Cover

Here is my artwork for the new Aaron Wroblewski comic Amor Patris. A new Kickstarter is launching for it soon!

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The Campaign continues!

The Campaign continues!

Just 6 days until my new Kickstarter launch! I have paintings up for rewards on there at a lower price than I've been offered in galleries! Going for broke here. all or nothing!

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Kickstarter in progress!

Kickstarter in progress!

Only 9 days left on my Kickstarter campaign for the re-release of my debut novel! I have a ton of rewards available and even lowered the prices on the original art. all in an attempt to raise the funds to...

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101 of the Skull Session Podcast!

101 of the Skull Session Podcast!

In this historic (for me at least) 101st episode, Aaron and I discussed his new Kickstarter campaign for the latest issue of his dystopian comic, what's wrong with the major streaming services, and why people should support indie projects....

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