Crass Comercialism!

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Winners in the movie awards so far:

District 9 Inglourious Basterds Halloween 2 Losers: Watchmen And, I should have known, Star Trek....

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New Project

New project I'm involved in. I painted two 2" by 2" oil paintings on blocks of wood. They'll be featured in a touring exhibit and upcoming book.

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Two new articles!

Articles and interviews in both the new magazine, Sinister Ink, and an upcoming issue of Skin Art were recently completed. Sinister Ink is a new magazine focusing on dark and horror inspired tattoos, and put out by the same...

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Awesome older interview with Monica

Check out this interview It's about a year and a half old, during the short break when Monica didn't have dreadlocks! On a more somber note, the reward to find her killer now exceeds $6,000. That is a reward from...

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