Latest painting update on the cover for my novel

Still not satisfied with this, I reworked it yet again. I had some feedback that the old version made the story look "mystical", when I wanted it to concentrate on the horror. The working title is "By Demons Driven"...

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New Interview up on Read Horror!

I answered this interview on almost no sleep, I usually much more eloquent! The sleep infused interview!

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Pint Sized Paintings!

Polished these off for Durb Morrison's new art show and book, Pint Sized Paintings. These are only 2 1/2" by 3"!

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Finally finished this one up

Oil, 16" by 12", painted for both the Art of the Dead show in PA, and the upcoming horror/tattoo convention me, Geena Russo, and Ron Russo are running in October.

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Hard at work on my latest painting…

This will be in Ron 570's The Art of the Dead show, and printed up on a line of T-shirts for the horror convention I'm running with Geena Russo.

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New video interview!

Dan Henk : The Artist from Sleepy Cell Labs on Vimeo.

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Just finished the latest Rollo Cartoon

Mike Malone used to get approached at conventions by newbies all the time. He complained that they all looked the same, and all wanted critiques of their book, but made endless excuses once he started tearing their work apart.

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Latest Rollo Cartoon for TAM

All the cartoons have a little explanatory paragraph. In this case, a Mike Malone was a notorious cheat. A tourist girl came in for a tattoo, she gave him her name and number, and he wrote it down in...

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