New Skull Session with Dan Gindlesperger

New Skull Session with Dan Gindlesperger

In this latest episode of my Skull Session podcast, Dan Gindlesperger and I discuss his books, Clive Barker, and Stephen King, and what makes a good horror story. Skull Session Podcast

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My perspective on working for the controversial Madcap Magazine

My perspective on working for the controversial Madcap Magazine

My under-the-radar job, before I attended art school, was doing political cartoons for Madcap Magazine. They sold copies in news boxes on Capitol Hill, and because I'm mostly libertarian, I managed to piss off everyone!! I got more hate mail than...

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New Skull session with Edward Davis

New Skull session with Edward Davis

In the #102 episode of my Skull Session podcast, Edward Davis and I talk about his ongoing comic series, and the Kickstarter campaign he just started to fund really taking it up a notch with the new issue! Here's...

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Awesome new review on my indie novel The Black Seas of Infinity

Awesome new review on my indie novel The Black Seas of Infinity

 Awesome new review of my indie novel The Black Seas of Infinity by Foxed and Torn Reviews.

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New episode of my Skull Session Podcast!

New episode of my Skull Session Podcast!

In this historic (for me at least) 101st episode, Aaron and I discussed his new Kickstarter campaign for the latest issue of his dystopian comic, what's wrong with the major streaming services, and why people should support indie projects....

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My new perspective on comic book art

My new perspective on comic book art

What is my perspective on Comic Book Art? Back in the day when indie comics were blowing up, after the trendsetting debut of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I first envisioned debuting The Black Seas of Infinity as a graphic novel....

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Latest Podcast!

Latest Podcast!

Debuting a day early because I'm leaving tomorrow for the Toronto Convention, here is my latest episode of the podcast with the talented Jim Krueger. (Which he tells me is spelled like Freddy Krueger!) He's worked for Marvel Comics,...

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Email Campaign!

Email Campaign!

Next week is the debut of the Kickstarter campaign I'm holding to raise funds to promote my book. I've received some great reviews and even interest from a few streaming companies and I want to strike while the iron...

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