Almost done with this 3rd Illustration for my new novel the End Of The World

Almost done with this 3rd Illustration for my new novel the End Of The World

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Finished version of this Lovecraft based t-shirt design I did for Black Hope Curse

Finished version of this Lovecraft based t-shirt design I did for Black Hope Curse

The shirt should debut at the Austin, Texas Convention in 2 weeks!

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Started inking this 3rd Illustration for my new book

Started inking this 3rd Illustration for my new book

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Almost done with the pencils for this 3rd Illustration for my new book.

Almost done with the pencils for this 3rd Illustration for my new book.

Entitled "The End Of The World", this brings to life the scene where an old man, having sold out the human race, is kept alive with alien technology.

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Redrew part of and darkened in this second illustration for my new book

Redrew part of and darkened in this second illustration for my new book

Never quite happy, this is one of those illustrations that keeps bugging me, as it doesn't quite capture the picture I have in my head. I amplified the size of and redrew the foreground head, which I've now sharpened and...

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The End of the World

The End of the World

First of nine illustrations for my new book, The End Of The World. I had to rework this a bit to get to this point. It was one of those illustrations I couldn't get to the point I was happy...

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Running my new book by Agents

Running my new book by Agents

Editing is done, courtesy as the very talented Karl Monger, and I'm hard at work on the interior illustrations. Here's the second of nine.

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Doing a ton of artwork right now!

I finished two paintings, both my new novel cover, which has been a work in progress, and a new zombie painting for the new book courtesy of Splatterpunk Press. All proceeds of that are a benefit for cancer research!

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