Sweet Home

Sweet Home

In this era of lockdowns and no theaters, I'm always looking for a new show to watch, and so far the Korean horror series "Sweet Home" is delivering. It's kind of like the movie The Mist, mixed with The...

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5 Questions

5 Questions

My turn to get grilled in our weekly 5 random questions video segment https://youtu.be/0gg8FIVUOQ4

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Update on this illustration

Update on this illustration

As is usual, I did a bit of an update on this logo for Schnitzel Studios. India ink on Bristol Board, 11" by 17"

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I redid this book cover I originally illustrated for the collaborative novel by Jack Bantry and Robert Essig. The original is on the left for reference

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5 Questions

5 Questions

The latest on our "5 Questions" series. This one is with resident artist Michael Guiffre https://youtu.be/91U_bTaFM7Q

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Out now!

Out now!

and just in time for Christmas! The new Splatterpunk collection featuring a Christmas story by yours truly!

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5 Questions

5 Questions

The second in our new weekly series of five questions, this is with Abyss shop artist Ronda Xanthos https://youtu.be/4f5umWJQgYc

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Just in time for Christmas! Splatterpunk is releasing a compendium of horror stories with a holiday themed one by yours truly! As usual, I also painted their cover! You can buy it here! https://www.amazon.com/Splatterpunk-Bloodstains-Jack-Bantry-ebook/dp/B08PVZZH73/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=splatterpunk%20bloodstains&qid=1607443457&sr=8-1&fbclid=IwAR3qM_H3JwhCcZSWWQS_wJQqsZeOzEpKMVj9smLWz9qXQ8jgju-7_1RZfrQ

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