Who killed JFK?

Who killed JFK?

Who killed JFK? Don't make that mistake. Support my campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/.../cosmic-horror.../x/38211458...

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Clash over clothing!

Amber & Zander fighting over my t-shirt and hat, just a few of the perks available for my Indiegogo campaign! Get in on the madness here! All of the latest updates are available on my website

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New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

New Indiegogo campaign, and free book!

My 3 day, free promotion of my anthology did so well that I'm kicking off my crowdfunding campaign with a free promotional copy of my massively reworked and edited, debut novel. It's the start of my cosmic horror mythos,...

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More swag for my Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign

More swag for my Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign

I just added more swag for my Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign! Everything on the campaign is below the initial price asked. This is the oil painting I did, then slightly updated, for Jack Bantry's first Splatterpunk anthology release, "Splatterpunk's Not Dead"....

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New crowdfunding campaign

New crowdfunding campaign

I am running a new crowdfunding campaign to help market my whole cosmic horror series. You can check that out here. Lots of goodies are available! Hats, shirts, art prints, signed books, and even original art! Here are all the...

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The first of my cosmic horror novels

The first of my cosmic horror novels

For the first of my cosmic horror novels, I originally intended to include over 30 drawings, but I ultimately opted for far fewer since the full splash pages took considerable time to illustrate. I increasingly perceived the work as...

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New Indiegogo Campaign

New Indiegogo Campaign

To infect the masses with my Cosmic Horror series, I've launched a new Indiegogo campaign. You can view it here And see more of my work here under the "Books" category, Rewards at different tier levels of support are all available....

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For three days my debut anthology is free!

For three days my debut anthology is free!

For the next three days, my debut anthology, "The Never Dead," featuring 14 authors and 16 short stories, all reminiscent of old Outer Limits or Twilight Zone episodes, is free on Amazon Kindle! If you're interested, download and please...

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