Cosmic Horror! Lovecraft! Kickstarter in progress!

Cosmic Horror! Lovecraft! Kickstarter in progress!

Apocalypse1 Dystopian horror! Government Conspiracies! Creatures from another world! Please help me get this out to a wider audience so we all can be equally depressed at the coming doom! My Kickstarter campaign to acquire funds to market this is ongoing,...

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My Kickstarter campaign

My Kickstarter campaign

The Kickstarter Campaign for my heavily illustrated cosmic horror novel started this week. Violence, Dystopian nightmares, warring, warring packs of scared locals, and the return of creatures from another world! Show your support for this indie project, Even a $1 pledge...

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The Dead Man’s Hand!

The Dead Man’s Hand!

On October 27th I'll be doing a seminar at the This convention will feature authors, artists, tattoo artists, monster makeup specialists, contests, podcasts, and a whole lot more! Stop by and say hello!

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Day 2 of my Kickstarter

Day 2 of my Kickstarter

Going all the way! I'm pushing hard to market my new book, even including original oil paintings as reward tiers on my Kickstarter Campaign.. This image was illustrated for the 2010 Pinup book, Oil on Canvas, 11" by 17"! Check...

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My new Kickstarter campain just launched!

My new Kickstarter campain just launched!

Government conspiracies! Chaos! Secrets buried in ancient ruins! A dystopian cosmic horror mythos this indi project come to life! Here is the link to my Kickstarter

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New Comic Book Cover

New Comic Book Cover

Here is my artwork for the new Aaron Wroblewski comic Amor Patris. A new Kickstarter is launching for it soon!

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Amor Patris Cover

Amor Patris Cover

Alternative cover and website design logo for Aaron Wroblewski 's comic . A Kickstarter for the project is launching soon

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Skull Session 108!

Skull Session 108!

Reanimated corpses, necrophilia, and cosmic horror are just some of the things Jonathan and I talk about in my podcast's latest episode!

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